Shackled Bounty

Chained for Sexual Pleasure to their Mistress

What price will be paid for such treasures as these submissive docile pleasure dolls? Their dominating lesbian madame knows their value is far greater then the previous rare commodity she has them shackled as slaves to produce, they have been trained through the use of both punishment by the whip, electro stimulation and erotic pleasure rewards to satisfy all her sexual fantasies and depraved desires.
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Ally Style
Ally Style
Bara Brass
Bara Brass
Denisa Heaven
Denisa Heaven
Dominika J.
Dominika J.
Kristine Crystalis
Kristine Crystalis
Marushka Veckova.
Marushka Veckova.
Nella Bony
Nella Bony


PonyGirls! love these luscious ponies.

I cannot get enough of the ponygirl themes. Love to see the sexy sexy babes being branded, and tacked up and put to work. The evil slaver is gorgeous and so is her buyer. Enjoyed this immensely.
Michele June 8, 2013 03:43

Very Hot

It has always been my strongest fantasy of abducted, trained, and sold girls. In some ways, to have Domme women doing this is hotter. I figure about half of all females are not BI, so for them to be forced to eat pussy and service women is very hot, knowing they will likely eventually be sold to a man. And the whips they use are perfect. The single tail 4 to 6 foot bullwhip. Can't complain about the beauty of the young girls either. But still, I prefer the them, if men are doing the abducting and training, such as in the Sexually Broken "The Auction". Great series though.
Anonymous October 3, 2016 07:36

Very Hot

It has always been my strongest fantasy of abducted, trained, and sold girls. In some ways, to have Domme women doing this is hotter. I figure about half of all females are not BI, so for them to be forced to eat pussy and service women is very hot, knowing they will likely eventually be sold to a man. And the whips they use are perfect. The single tail 4 to 6 foot bullwhip. Can't complain about the beauty of the young girls either. But still, I prefer the them, if men are doing the abducting and training, such as in the Sexually Broken "The Auction". Great series though.
Anonymous October 3, 2016 07:34

Greased up and Tacked up Pony Girls

Bara Brass doesn't quite seem to have bought into the production of the movie. She comes off as if she is just following the motions - not much emotion. Such a shame because she has such a prominent role and thus brings the movie down. The other slave girls help hold up the movies and the ever so hot pony girls add a full star to this reviewers rating. 3 stars for the Bara Brass led movie, add one for the greased up and tightly tacked up pony girls and the final rating is 4 stars.
Bikini September 30, 2017 04:51

Ponygirl lesbian slaves a fantasy trip

Ponies! Giddyup! chain them up, train them up, seduce them up and watch them work. Yummy!
Modpar November 4, 2017 15:25


I like your films. Whipping is a favorite of mine. Cannot get ackses to some films in U.S.A.
Ernie John February 23, 2025 10:35

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